Stone Technologies offers an entry level penetrating concrete sealer with its X-1 product. It is a sodium silicate sealer, meaning it will penetrate deep within the surface of the concrete in order to react chemically and protect your material from incursions of water or natural gas.
The ratio of silicate to water is good– a solution of 40% silicate protective particles mixed with 60% water. The amounts are far better than most pre-mixed penetrating sealers on the market, though it is still always advisable to buy a concentrated product that you can easily mix on your own. If that isn’t an option for you, however, the Stone Technologies X-1 is a great alternative choice.
The product also has zero-VOC content, making it environmentally friendly and safer for your health than a low-VOC product. It will also be legal in all states with strict VOC and environmental regulations. One of the only cautions with the X-1 concrete sealer is that it is a fairly strong solution, meaning it is not the right choice for aggregates or decorative concretes. While it will ensure protection for your concrete, you are better off choosing an acrylic surface concrete sealer for your more delicate materials.
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