The Ghostshield Lithi-Tek 9500 concrete sealer is one of the best product offerings on the market today. It is a penetrating, impregnating, densifying sealer. By using a penetrating, impregnating sealer that densifies and hardens concrete and also provides a hydrophobic surface barrier you can ensure a fully waterproofed substrate. The 9500 sealer is an invisible, penetrating concrete sealer that will not only densify concrete, but it will waterproof and help to prevent deleterious organic growth. The chemically reactive and active ingredients seal the pores within the substrate adequately blocking surface moisture while still maintaining the concretes ability to breathe. It will not significantly modify substrate appearance or traction and will only wear away if the concrete surface itself wears away.
The Lithi-Tek 9500 is VOC free with deep penetration and a wide range of coverage. This Ghostshield product is sold in its concentrated form, accompanied by easy-to-follow instructions on how to dilute it. A sealer that is sold concentrated is a much better option than one sold pre-mixed, as you can be certain of the ratios when you are mixing yourself.
In the end, the Ghostshield Lithi-Tek 9500 is an excellent concrete sealing product. New or existing concrete can be treated and performance can be improved in as little as two applications. The concentrated nature of the sealer allows for 1000 sq. ft. of coverage from 1 gallon and is now readily available at This sealer only costs about $0.10 per square foot per application; considering the cost to replace concrete is about $7.00 per square foot, sealing concrete with the 9500 is a worthwhile investment. KreteTek achieved something great with their proprietary formula, and they are certainly on the wave of cutting edge chemical compositions that other companies will likely catch on to in the future.
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