Manufactured by Euclid Chemical based in Cleveland, Ohio, EUCOSIL Concrete Sealer is a sodium silicate sealer marketed in the U.S. and Canada. It is a water-based sealer, meaning it is safer for the environment than a solvent-based product, which would likely not comply with the strict VOC regulations of states like California and New Jersey, among others. However, a major drawback to this product is that the ratio of silicate to water can vary and can potentially be as little as 15% silicate to 85% water, which would not be very effective.
Euclid Chemical’s product will seal the concrete, helping protect it and your home from water seepage and the transfer of gasses, such as methane and radon, through your concrete. It will also help curb and remove concrete dusting, while also densifying the material to help increase its longevity and durability.
Euclid Chemical is unique from some other manufacturers and distributors of concrete sealer as their products, such as EUCOSIL Concrete Sealer, can actually contribute to LEED points for your business. Their environmental consciousness combines with a solid product that can help you protect your concrete without too much effort, though they are fairly expensive. Those with pre-existing eye, skin, and respiratory conditions should be warned, however, that exposure to EUCOSIL can actually aggravate and worsen their conditions. Be sure to consider all of your concrete sealer options before making a decision, and especially make sure you are applying the substance in a well-ventilated area to help mitigate any harmful effects.